Kids Super Guide to Recycling

by Beep Boop, Robot

1. What Is Recycling?

Recycling is how we take trash and transform it into new products. There are several types of recycling processes that allow some materials to be used one or more times. Recycling is good for us and the environment because it reduces the use of new raw materials to product new products. It also reduces the energy we use, improves the quality of air and water, and fights climate change. Soda cans, plastic water bottles, plastic milk cartons, newspapers, cereal boxes and old computers are just some of the common items that are recycled every day. If all of us were to recycle just a few items per day that we throw away, we can go a long way to improving the environment for our futures and future generations.

2. What is Reusing?

Think about the possibilities of a product before you throw it away; it could be reused for another purpose. How about that old t-shirt? It could b used as a car rag. Reuse is different from recycling, but it does lead to reduced consumption – always a good thing.

3. So Why Recycle?

Reduces pollution. Using recycled materials rather than taking virgin materials for new products avoids environmental harm. It avoids new mining for metals, drilling for oil and the mass harvesting of trees. Using recycled white paper creates 75% less air pollution and 35% less water pollution than making new paper. Using recycled cans produces 95% less air and 97% less water pollution. Reduce landfill waste. When the garbage truck comes to your neighborhood to pick up the garbage, they take it to the landfill. Landfills over time fill up and can harm the environment.

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  • Plastic Recycled
    312 Billion Pounds
    15 Planets Saved
  • Carbon Emissions Reduced
    12 million tons
    1.5 million cars